Or... I did, anyways.

Until Monday.
Police are investigating this situation, but they're saying that Sandra may have given Travis Xanax to calm him down when he wouldn't come in the house. Then she called her friend over to help her bring him back inside. But when her friend got out of the car, Travis attacked.
You can listen to the entire 911 call here, or here is FOX's exclusive interview with her, and the entire story, including some of the call:
Wow. This really is sad. At first I was kinda laughing at the call. But now I'm scared to ever have a chimp!
The woman IS crazy, though. I'll give ya that. Look at her. She's straight out of a... Well.. I won't say it.
Sorry for your loss, lady. I hope you weren't doing anything nasty with him, though... Because that's what I'm hearing.
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